Friday, November 27, 2015

White Male Inventions by Dr. Michael Savage

White Male Inventions
Michael Savage
December 15, 1999

Trains, planes, cars, rockets, telescopes, tires, telephones, radios, television, electricity, atomic energy, computers, and fax machines. All miracles made possible by the minds and spirits of men with names like Ampere, Bell, Caselli, Edison, Ohm, Faraday, Einstein, Cohen, Teller, Shockley, Hertz, Marconi, Morse, Popov. Ford, Volta, Michelin, Dunlop, Watt, Diesel, Galileo, and other "dead white males."
All reports indicate that we have a booming economy right now, but few understand why this is so. I hate to disappoint my friends on the radical left, but it has nothing to do with Bonnie and Clyde Clinton or the Democratic Party, or with any other party for that matter. What I’m about to say is tantamount to blasphemy in this politically correct day and age; yet truth is truth. How long are we going to pretend that origins play no role in our world, the origins of the inventions, science, technology, and economics of the world in which we live?
Our present economic boom is due to the revolution in electronics and computer technology. But saying this is not enough, for these things didn’t just spring into existence by themselves. They have traceable origins. And all of our "booms," throughout history, have the same origins as this one. It’s no mystery. Just look at the list of names in your history books, and their national origins.
The great majority of "booms" past and present have been brought about by the genius and inventiveness of that most "despicable" of genders, the dreaded white male, or, to be exact, by specific, individual white males. This is not to discredit the many contributions coming from non-whites, but fact is fact. Our most important and consequential inventions have come almost exclusively from white males.
Curse me, or all white males, if you wish, that changes nothing. But if you call me a liar, you’ll have to come up with the proof that I’m wrong. Remember, I didn’t say there were no important contributions by non-whites; I said the overwhelming majority. Of course, I know about such things as the Chinese and gunpowder, but they didn’t take it much beyond firecrackers and pyrotechnics. And I know about the pyramids and masonry of South America and the zero of the Arabs.
Would we have atomic physics and electricity if it hadn’t been for the ancient Greek philosophers who, for example, had the idea that all matter consists of tiny atoms? Aristotle (5th century, B.C., 25th century pre P.C.) used electric charges to treat gout! Archimedes perceived the center of gravity of solids, cylinders, and spheres. From the basic discoveries of Greek civilization it went to the Romans and after the fall of Rome, it passed to later Europeans who expanded on this scientific knowledge. In modern times these ideas were developed by such Europeans as Volta, Ampere, Watts, Bell, Edison, and Einstein, who provided the basis for most of the technical wonders of today. All of them dreaded white males.
Maybe you got your enlightenment from one of the Ivy-League institutions of dis-education. Maybe they taught you that it’s all the result of white racism and oppression. That every time a potential Einstein, Edison, or Ford popped up in the Third World, a White hit-squad would swoop down and eliminate him before he had a chance to prove himself. Or maybe their schools refused to teach him in the Ebonics of his day. Or maybe they didn’t have proper daycare facilities. Or maybe our would-be innovator came from a "dysfunctional family."
But the facts tell us that many of the great men pursued their genius at great personal risk--like the astronomer Galileo, who proved that the earth revolves around the sun. He and other men of genius and courage refused to be suppressed even if it meant their lives. They would permit no race, gender, group or class to keep them from their pursuit of truth and excellence whatever the cost.
If you eliminate, suppress, or debase the while male, you kill the goose that laid the golden egg. If you ace him out with "affirmative" action, exile him from the family, teach him that he’s a blight on mankind, then bon voyage to our society. We will devolve into a turd-world cesspool. Where has there ever before in history been a group of human beings who have brought about the likes of the Magna Carta, the US Constitution, and the countless life-saving and life- improving inventions that we now enjoy?
Now it is certainly true that China did lead the world in technology and commercial inventiveness about 1,000 years ago. They had great coal-mining operations, gunpowder, six-masted sailing ships, and intense commercial enterprise. But it all collapsed because the elites, the long-nailed Mandarins, centralized control--1,000 years before Mao--and crushed the expansion and inventions.
Does this mean we should sit back and let ourselves be governed by someone just because he’s a white male? Of course, it doesn’t. It means simply that we shouldn’t suppress anyone, including white males. Let our God-given gifts run free in a free and just society, free from the oppression and tyranny of social engineers. If anyone has gifts beyond our own, be he a white male or other, be grateful. Maybe we have gifts that in some small way can contribute something of value as well. One way or another, we’re all in the same boat. Few of us have truly outstanding gifts. And most of us have to humbly accept that there are others around who are more gifted than we are. In a democratic society it’s not for Big Brother to decide who shall thrive and who shall struggle in the hive.
Michael Savage Joins as Columnist
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Friday, April 3, 2015

Diversity -- or Meritocracy? By Patrick J. Buchanan

Diversity -- or Meritocracy?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
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Friday - April 3, 2015

A voracious and eclectic reader, President Nixon instructed me to send him every few weeks 10 articles he would not normally see that were on interesting or important issues.

In 1971, I sent him an essay from The Atlantic, with reviews by Time and Newsweek, by Dr. Richard Herrnstein. My summary read:

"Basically, (Herrnstein) demonstrates that heredity, rather than environment, determines intelligence — and that the more we proceed to provide everyone with a 'good environment' the more heredity will become the dominant factor ... in their success and social standing."

In a 1994 obituary, The New York Times wrote that Herrnstein, though he "was often harassed ... and his classes at Harvard were disrupted," never recanted his heresy. He wrote "I.Q. and Meritocracy" in 1973, and in 1994 co-authored with Charles Murray the hugely controversial "The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life."

What brought this back was a piece buried in the "B" section of The Washington Post about the incoming class at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Fairfax County.

TJ High is an elite magnet school that admits students based on their academic aptitude and achievement and offers "courses in differential equations, artificial intelligence and neuroscience."

According to the Post, 70 percent of the incoming freshmen are Asians, the highest percentage ever for a school already 60 percent Asian. Ten years ago, the student body was 32 percent Asian.

White students make up 29 percent of the school today, but are only 22 percent of the entering class. The class of 2019 will have 346 Asians and 102 whites, but only 12 Hispanics and 8 blacks.

Of the 2,841 applicants for 2015, one in four Asians was admitted and one in eight whites, but only one in 16 Hispanics and one in 25 black students. Of low-income students, only one in 33 applicants got in.

What do these numbers tell us?

Thomas Jefferson High is a meritocracy where the ideological dictates of "diversity" do not apply. Second, Asian students, based either on nature or nurture, heredity or environment, or both, are, as of today, superior in the hard sciences to other ethnic groups.

These numbers suggest that as Asian Americans rise from 5 percent of the U.S. population to 15, they are going to dominate the elite high schools and colleges devoted to STEM studies: science, technology, engineering, mathematics.

And in the professions built around expertise in science and technology, to which private and public capital will be directed, the social standing of Asian Americans is going to rise, leaving black, Hispanic, low-income and poor Americans further behind.

In the Post article, there is no breakdown of which Asian minorities excelled.

In international competitions among high school students, Chinese, Koreans and Japanese are the top scorers, above Filipinos, Vietnamese and Indonesians.

Two years ago, an activist group filed a complaint against Fairfax County with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights alleging that the admissions process at TJ High discriminates against blacks, Hispanics and the poor.

But as the white share of the student body at TJ High is falling fastest, if there is discrimination, the admissions process must be giving an unfair break to Asians. For it is Asians who are the biggest beneficiaries of what is going on at the school.

Why are Asian kids succeeding spectacularly?

Is it because they are naturally talented at STEM studies? Is it because they have a better work ethic? Is it because their parents demand they get their homework done and monitor their grades? Is it because far fewer Asians come from broken homes?

It cannot be that Asians have been more privileged.

Chinese laborers in the Old West were terribly treated. Japanese were excluded and put into camps during World War II. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Filipinos and Vietnamese here are largely from families that endured the hell of the Asian wars of the 20th century.

And while Fairfax County generously supports its school, it does not spend what D.C. does. And how are D.C. schools doing?

The Post reported yesterday: "Only 58 percent of D.C. students graduate high school within four years, and only about half of students are proficient in reading and math."

So how is TJ High responding to its Asian problem?

Jeremy Shughart, admissions director at TJ, has a committee "reviewing the application process to improve diversity at the school."

Says Shughart, "The committee is looking at a variety of admissions components and making recommendations for possible adjustments to future admissions cycles. ... (We) will continue to work on increasing diversity at TJHSST and will continue to pursue outreach efforts to ensure talented underrepresented populations of students with a passion for math and science consider, apply to, and attend... Fairfax County Public Schools believes in the value of diversity."

That is bureaucratic gobbledygook for saying they are going to start looking closer at the race and ethnicity of student applicants and begin using this criteria to bring in some — and to reject others.

Race discrimination, against Asians, is coming to Fairfax County.
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Stand Up for Indiana! By Patrick J. Buchanan Tuesday - March 31, 2015

Stand Up for Indiana!
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Tuesday - March 31, 2015
In what has been called the "Catholic moment" in America, in the late 1940s and 1950s, Catholics were admonished from pulpits to "live the faith" and "set an example" for others.

Public lives were to reflect moral beliefs. Christians were to avoid those "living in sin." Christians who operated motels and hotels did not rent rooms to unmarried couples.

Fast forward to 21st-century America.

Indiana just enacted a law, as have 19 other states, to protect the rights of religious people to practice their beliefs in how they live their lives and conduct their businesses.

And the reaction? Nearly hysterical.

The head of the NCAA, the founder of Apple, chief executives of SalesForce and Yelp, Martina Navratilova, Larry King, Miley Cyrus and other celebrities are rushing to express their shock.

Boycotts of Indiana are being demanded. Tweeted Hillary on her now-empty server: "Sad this new Indiana law can happen in America today. We shouldn't discriminate against [people because] of who they love."

The culture war has come to Indiana, and all these folks are eager to be seen as standing tall with the LGBT revolution. But what are they actually saying?

Are they saying that Christian bakers, photographers and florists may not refuse to provide their services at same-sex weddings? Are they saying that hotel owners who deny rooms to unmarried couples or for homosexual liaisons should be prosecuted for being faithful to their moral code?

How are we supposed to punish Christians for sinning against liberalism? Will jailing be necessary, or caning, or just depriving them of their livelihood?

The Hillarys of our world have a right to call such folks bigots and homophobes. But should they have the power to punish people for acting on their religious beliefs?

Isn't the First Amendment supposed to protect this right?

Whatever became of the conservatives' Free Society?

Initially, under Obamacare, Christian colleges and businesses were forced to provide employees with birth control and abortion-inducing, morning-after pills. The regime was ordering religious people to behave in ways that were abhorrent to them and contravened the teachings of their faith.

Like Shariah Law, liberalism imposes its values upon nonbelievers and punishes noncompliance.

Says Mayor Edwin Lee, who has banned city-funded trips to Indiana, "We stand united as San Franciscans to condemn Indiana's new discriminatory law, and will work together to protect the civil rights of all Americans."

But the "discriminatory law" that has the mayor upset does not discriminate against anyone.

It merely guarantees the freedom of religious people who believe homosexuality is wrong to not have to be associated with individuals or events that celebrate it.

The mayor may not like how people exercise their freedom. Does his dislike justify depriving them of that freedom?

The gay rights community seems to have advanced from asking for tolerance of their lifestyles — to demanding punishment for those who refuse to accept its moral equality.

Why do they care that a handful of Christians still reject their truth? Are they so insecure in their convictions about themselves that they must have conformity? Must all kneel before their Golden Calf?

Like all of us, the mayor has a right not to associate with people who use obscene or racist language, or whose behavior is boorish, or whose politics he detests.

To the mayor, it appears commendable for him not to be associated with Indiana because of its values. Why is it then intolerable for Christians not to be associated with gay events because of their values? A little double standard there, Mr. Mayor?

What the Indiana issue is really all about is the replacement of Christian values with secular values as the operating premises of society.

And the hallmark of our new society is intolerance of those who reject the revolution. It is ever so with revolutions.

In 1964, across the bay from San Francisco, the Free Speech Movement was born at Berkeley. Students demanded the freedom to say what they believed, no matter how objectionable to the majority.

Soon, dirty language became common on radio, cable and in film. Pornography was declared constitutionally protected. Larry Flynt was the First Amendment hero. Rap singers used the crudest of terms for women and the N-word for each other. A new freedom was born.

That is, up until two soused freshmen from Sigma Alpha Epsilon began a chant on a bus with high school seniors that used the N-word.

Then the air raid sirens went off. Mass protests were held on campus. Students told how sickened they were to TV cameras descending on campus. Oklahoma University President David Boren expelled the evildoers. The frat house was shut down and fumigated.

An investigation of SAE nationally is being conducted. Editorials blazed, though the U.N. Security Council has yet to table a resolution of condemnation.

As the Jack Nicholson character George Hanson said in "Easy Rider,"

"You know, this used to be a helluva good country." It surely was.

Stand up for Indiana!
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Friday, March 6, 2015

Darren Wilson: Free At Last! By Patrick J. Buchanan

Darren Wilson: Free At Last!
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Friday - March 6, 2015

Eric Holder's Justice Department has completed its investigation into whether Ferguson cop Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown in cold blood for racist reasons when he shot the black teenager last August.

What did the massive six-month FBI investigation discover?

According to the Washington Post, "after canvassing more than 300 homes and reviewing physical, ballistic, forensic, medical and crime-scene evidence" and examining "Wilson's personnel records, audio and video recordings," Justice concluded Wilson told the truth about what happened that Saturday in Ferguson.

Officer Wilson is innocent of the endless libels and slanders in the press and on television, and by street demagogues and the pack of liars who, under oath, told a St. Louis County grand jury that Brown had his hands up, crying, "Don't shoot!" when Wilson cut him down.

The liars, however, will not be called out, nor will the perjurers be prosecuted. For Holder says, in the words of the Post, that "the discrepancy" between what happened and what the liars testified to "was due, in part, to a deeply rooted pattern of racial bias in the police department that had left the Ferguson community polarized."

Holder is saying that we must cut slack for folks who lied to get an innocent cop indicted for murder, because their community had been badly treated by Ferguson cops and courts.

And what about the nights and days of rioting, looting, arson and anarchy in Ferguson and beyond following the death of Brown?

Holder has an explanation for that, too.

"[A]mid a highly toxic environment, defined by mistrust and resentment [of police], stoked by years of bad feelings and spurred by illegal and misguided practices, it is not difficult to imagine how a single tragic incident set off the city of Ferguson like a powder keg."

This, said Holder, was the root of the rage in Ferguson.

Sorry, Eric, that dog won't hunt.

When a powder keg goes off, there is a single explosion. And one can understand how, in the first or second night after the death of Michael Brown — originally seen as a shooting by a berserk cop who unloaded his weapon in broad daylight on a teenager — this could set folks off.

But this lawlessness went on, week after week after week, and involved not only rioting and rampages in Ferguson, but the blockage of streets, malls and stores, hundreds of miles away, up to Christmas.

And this rampant criminality was accompanied by the complicit silence of the president of the United States and his attorney general.

When, ever, did either come down hard on the hoodlum element that exploited Ferguson?

Yet, while Wilson may be innocent, says Holder, the Ferguson police department and courts are steeped in white racism.

The proof of this? Though African-Americans are 67 percent of the population of Ferguson, they account for 93 percent of all arrests.

But these figures prove nothing.

According to the FBI crime statistics of recent years, though African-Americans are 13 percent of the population, they account for one-third to one-half of all violent crimes.

In Washington, D.C., African-Americans are half the population. But they are responsible for a huge percentage of all the robberies, rapes, assaults and murders, and especially the interracial crimes of violence.

What should it be any different in Ferguson?

And if Ferguson is such a racist hellhole, why have black folks moved there from St. Louis, and why did only 6 percent of African-Americans go to the polls in the election prior to the Brown shooting?

Does that sound like a community on fire with resentment over a racist city regime?

As evidence of the racism in the Ferguson Police Department, Justice produced, seven, count 'em, "seven racist e-mails," said the Post. Here, to the Post, are three of the most horrible:

"A November 2008 e-mail, for instance, stated that President Obama could not be president for very long because 'what black man holds a steady job for four years?' Another e-mail described Obama as a chimpanzee. An e-mail from 2011 showed a photo of a bare-chested group of dancing women apparently in Africa with the caption: 'Michelle Obama's High School Reunion.'"

This is it? The FBI plowed through eight years of emails from the Ferguson P.D. and came up with this? And for this, Ferguson goes into the history books alongside the Sand Creek and Fort Pillow massacres?

In its March 5 editorial, "A Chilling Portrait of Ferguson," The New York Times bewails the "entrenched racism in the Ferguson police force."

But the real story of Ferguson is the entrenched bigotry that propelled a mob-like rush to judgment by journalists and race hustlers that ruined the life of an honest cop who did his duty and told the truth.

In this version of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Darren Wilson is Tom Robinson — the victim of anti-white racism — and St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch is Atticus Finch.

Think Hollywood would be interested in doing this terrific story?


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Linda Muller - WebMaster for Patrick J. Buchanan
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Friday, February 20, 2015

Will the GOP Capitulate Again? By Patrick J. Buchanan

Dear Brigade,
Many of you may not know that for nearly two decades, Pat Buchanan was a favorite son of the GOP establishment - whether television, radio or print he was sought after and praised by all conservative organizations, politicians and writers.
In the 1990's Pat stood up for American workers and came out strong against NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, MFN [Most Favored Nation] for China and Fast Track for all of these so called "free trade" deals.
That I believe was when the New World Order Party began their multi-front assault on Buchanan. It continues to this day. 
I highly recommend reading some of the columns Pat wrote back in the 90's.
Here are two to get you started.
More are located at  Scroll down to 1993-1996 - they offer outstanding history lessons for those who are new to the Cause.
As always -
For the Cause, Linda
Will the GOP Capitulate Again?
By Patrick J. Buchanan

Friday - February 20, 2015

"Free trade results in giving our money, our manufactures, and our markets to other nations," warned the Republican Senator from Ohio and future President William McKinley in 1892.

"Thank God I am not a free-trader," echoed the rising Empire State Republican and future President Theodore Roosevelt.

Those were the voices of a Republican Party that believed in prospering America first.

For a quarter century, however, the party of the Bushes has been a globalist, New World Order party, and fanatically free trade.

It signed on to NAFTA, GATT, the World Trade Organization, most-favored-nation status for China, CAFTA, and KORUS, the U.S.-Korean trade treaty negotiated by Barack Obama.

So supportive have Republicans been of anything sold as free trade they have agreed to "fast track," the voluntary surrender by Congress of its constitutional power "to regulate commerce with foreign nations."

With fast track, Congress gives up its right to amend trade treaties, and agrees to restrict itself to a yea or nay vote.

And who is leading the fight to have Congress again surrender its power over trade? The GOP vice presidential nominee, and current chairman of ways and means, Paul Ryan.

Yet when one looks back on the devastation wrought by free trade, how can a party that purports to put America first sign on to fast track yet again?

In the first decade of this century, the United States lost 5 to 6 million manufacturing jobs. We lost 55,000 factories, a devastation of industry not unlike what we inflicted on Germany and Japan in 1944-45.

The trade figures are in for 2014. What do they show?

The United States ran a trade deficit of $505 billion. But as the Economic Policy Institute's Robert Scott points out, in manufactured goods, the U.S. trade deficit rose to $524 billion, a surge of $77 billion over 2013.

The U.S. trade deficit with China soared to $342 billion. Our exports to China amounted to $125 billion. But our imports from China were almost four times as great, $467 billion.

Since Jan. 1, 2000, U.S. trade deficits with China have totaled an astronomical $3.3 trillion.

How do Clinton, Bush II and Obama defend these trade deficits that have done to our country exactly what McKinley warned they would do in 1892 -- given away "our money, our manufactures, and our markets" to Communist China?

Have the Chinese reciprocated for this historic transfer of America's productive capacity and wealth by becoming a better friend and partner?

While the United States ran a $505 billion trade deficit overall, in goods we ran a trade deficit of $737 billion, or 4 percent of GDP.

And while our trade deficit in goods with China was $343 billion, with the European Union it was $141 billion, with Japan $67 billion, with Mexico $54 billion, with Canada $34 billion, with South Korea $25 billion.

Our Mexican neighbors send us illegal migrants to compete for U.S. jobs. And our multinationals send to Mexico the factories and jobs of Middle America, to exploit the low-wage labor there. One can, after all, assemble Fords more cheaply in Hermosillo than Ohio.

Of particular interest is Korea, with which the United States signed a free-trade agreement in 2011. Since then, U.S. exports to Korea have fallen, U.S. imports have risen 80 percent, and we ran a $25 billion trade deficit in 2014.

With the KORUS deal the template for the new Trans-Pacific Partnership, how can Republicans vote to throw away their right to alter or amend any TPP that Obama brings home?

Was the national vote to give Republicans majorities in Congress unseen since 1946 a vote to have the GOP turn over all power to write trade treaties to Obama and his negotiators who produced the greatest trade deficits in American history?

Do these record deficits justify such blind confidence in Obama? Do they justify Congress' renunciation of rights over commerce that the Founding Fathers explicitly set aside for the legislative branch in Article I of the Constitution?

"If we don't like the way the global economy works," says Paul Ryan, "then we have to get out there and change it."

No, we don't. The great and justified complaint against China and Japan, who have run the largest trade surpluses at our expense, is that they are "currency manipulators."

Correct. But the way to deal with currency manipulators is to rob them of the benefits of their undervalued currencies by slapping tariffs on goods they send to the United States.

And if the WTO says you can't do that, give the WTO the answer Theodore Roosevelt would have given them.

Instead of wringing our hands over income inequality and wage stagnation, why don't we turn these trade deficits into trade surpluses, as did the generations of Lincoln and McKinley, and T. R. and Cal Coolidge?
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Linda Muller - WebMaster for Patrick J. Buchanan
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