Wednesday, December 20, 2017

You can't always get what you want, You can't always get what you want; But if You Try Sometimes You Just Might Find, You Just Might Find, You Get What You Need - Rolling Stones

You can't always get what you want, You can't always get what you want; But if You Try Sometimes You Just Might Find, You Just Might Find, You Get What You Need - Rolling Stones

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You just might find
You get what you needb - Rolling Stones

Krauthammer and Coolidge on our Founding Principles

"Government isn't paternalism. It is not servitude imposed from without, but freedom of a right to self direction from within." -- Calvin Coolidge

John F. Kennedy Comments: "an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget" 05/15/14

Our true choice is not between tax reduction, on the one hand, and the avoidance of large Federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits. Surely the lesson of the last decade is that budget deficits are not caused by wild-eyed spenders but by slow economic growth and periodic recessions, and any new recession would break all deficit records.
In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now. The experience of a number of European countries and Japan have borne this out. This country’s own experience with tax reduction in 1954 has borne this out. And the reason is that only full employment can balance the budget, and tax reduction can pave the way to that employment. The purpose of cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus.
I repeat: our practical choice is not between a tax-cut deficit and a budgetary surplus. It is between two kinds of deficits: a chronic deficit of inertia, as the unwanted result of inadequate revenues and a restricted economy; or a temporary deficit of transition, resulting from a tax cut designed to boost the economy, increase tax revenues, and achieve – and I believe this can be done – a budget surplus. The first type of deficit is a sign of waste and weakness; the second reflects an investment in the future.
This Nation can afford to reduce taxes, we can afford a temporary deficit, but we cannot afford to do nothing. For on the strength of our free economy rests the hope of all free nations. We shall not fail that hope, for free men and free nations must prosper and they must prevail.

The Adminsitrative State 04/26/14

The Adminsitrative State

Sometimes referred to as the fourth branch of government, the bureaucracies which constitute the administrative state exercise legislative, executive, and judicial powers—a practice which Publius describes in Federalist 47 as “the very definition of tyranny.” Since its inception, the administrative state has undergone many changes and reforms, which have had profound effects on the way American national policy is made and implemented by Congress and the president. Originally a barrier to the implementation of the Progressive agenda, the judiciary today largely defers to the bureaucracy. These developments have produced a system which continues to erode America’s constitutional foundations.

Boston Beer Company Ad Omitting "Endowed ( by Our Creator)" is Inaccurate. 08/14/14

Boston Beer Company Ad Omitting "Endowed ( by Our Creator)" is Inaccurate.

Last last July 4th, the Boston Beer Company, brewers of Samuel Adams Beer ran an ad using the Declaration of Independence but inaccurately omitting reference to God "endowed ( by our creator)". 

“No people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the contrary, when people are universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners, they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders.” — Samuel Adams, letter to James Warren, 1775 

"No other theory is adequate to explain or comprehend the Declaration of Independence. It is the product of the spiritual insight of the people. We live in an age of science and of abounding accumulation of material things. These did not create our Declaration. Our Declaration created them. The things of the spirit come first. Unless we cling to that, all our material prosperity, overwhelming though it may appear, will turn to a barren sceptre in our grasp. If we are to maintain the great heritage which has been bequeathed to us, we must be like-minded as the fathers who created it. We must not sink into a pagan materialism. We must cultivate the reverence which they had for the things that are holy. We must follow the spiritual and moral leadership which they showed. We must keep replenished, that they may glow with a more compelling flame, the altar fires before which they worshiped." - Calvin Coolidge

Montesquieu With Comments by Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin 09/24/14

 As for republican government, Montesquieu asserts that "in a popular state there must be an additional spring, which is VIRTUE. What I say is confirmed by the entire body of history and is quite in conformity with the nature of things. For it is clear that less virtue is needed in a monarchy, where the one who sees
to the execution of the laws judges himself above the laws, than in a popular government, where the one who sees to the execution of the laws feels that he is subject to them himself and that he will bear their weight.. . . But in a popular government when the laws have ceased to be executed, as this can come only from the corruption of the republic, the state is already lost" (1, 3, 3). In despotic government, "virtue is not at all necessary to it. . .." (1, 3, 8) Montesquieu saw despotism, including its frequent antecedent, anarchy, as a continuing threat to republican government. "When that virtue ceases, ambition enters those hearts that can
admit it, and avarice enters them all. Desires change their objects: that which one used to love, one loves no longer. One was free under the laws, one wants to be free against them. Each citizen is like a slave who has escaped from his master's house. What was a maxim is now called severity; what was a rule is now called constraint; what was vigilance is now called fear. There, frugality, not the desire to possess, is avarice. Formerly the goods of individuals made up the public treasury; the public treasury has now become
the patrimony of individuals. The republic is a cast-off husk, and its strength is no more than the power of a few citizens and the license of all" (1,3, 3).

 Montesquieu considered excessive taxation and the confiscation of private property an assault on equality—
that is, the individual's liberty and rights. Montesquieu's view of equality, therefore, is consistent with Locke's.
Montesquieu also viewed commerce as essential to the character of republican government. "[T]he spirit of commerce brings with it the spirit of frugality, economy, moderation, work, wisdom, tranquility, order, and rule...." (1, 5, 6) Furthermore, commerce helps promote republican mores in other countries. "Commerce
cures destructive prejudices, and it is an almost general rule that everywhere there are gentle mores, there is commerce and that everywhere there is commerce, there are gentle mores. . .." (4, 20,1) Commerce also encourages prosperity. "In short, one's belief that one's prosperity is more certain in these states makes one undertake everything, and because one believes that what one has acquired is secure, one dares to expose it in order to acquire more; only the means for acquisition are at risk; now, men expect much
of their fortune. . .."

 Thus, just as destructive nations do evil things that last longer than themselves, there
are industrious nations that do good things that do not end with themselves" (3, 18, 7). Montesquieu, like Locke, explained that commerce, industriousness, and laws that inspire them require a moderate or republican government, which, in combination, preserve and improve the society. Alternatively, "Every lazy nation is grave; for those who do not work regard themselves as sovereigns of those who work" (3,19,9).

 "The government should not force a way upon the people against their will, for to do so is tyranny by legislation. There are two sorts of tyranny: a real one, which consists in the violence of the government, and one of opinion, which is felt when those who govern establish things that run counter to a nation's way of
thinking" (3,19,3). • It is essential, therefore, that in republican government, representatives avoid efforts intended to change the general spirit of the nation—that is, the legislator must help preserve and pro-
tect society, not eradicate it. As if describing the American people, Montesquieu wrote, "If there were in the world a nation which had a sociable humor, an openness of heart, a joy of life, a taste, an ease in communicating its thoughts; which was lively, pleasant, playful, sometimes imprudent, often indiscreet; and which had with all that, courage, generosity, frankness, and a certain point of honor, one should avoid disturbing its manners by laws, in order not to disturb its virtues. If the character is generally good, what
difference do a few faults make?...

 From this it follows that when one wants to change the mores and manners, one must not change them by laws, as this would appear to be too tyrannical; it would be better to change them by other mores
and other manners" (3,19,9). • Montesquieu argues that government should not attempt to correct or control all things and intervene in all matters. Government should be limited in its power, scope, and purposes. "May
we be left as we are, said a gentleman of [a republican government]. Nature repairs everything. It has given us a vivacity capable of offending and one apt to make inconsiderate; this same vivacity is corrected by the politeness it brings us, by inspiring us with a taste for the world. ... May we be left as we are. Our discretions joined to our harmlessness make unsuitable such laws as would curb our social humor" (3,19,6).

 Laws should reflect the uniqueness of societies. "[Laws] should be related to the physical aspect of the country; to the climate, be it freezing, torrid, or temperate; to the properties of the terrain, its location and extent; to the way of life of the peoples, be they plowmen, hunters, or herdsmen; they should relate to the
degree of liberty that the constitution can sustain, to the religion of the inhabitants, their inclinations, their wealth, their number, their commerce, their mores, and their manners; finally, the laws are related to one another, to their origin, to the purpose of the legislator, and to the order of things on which they are established. They must be considered from all these points of view" (1, 1,3).

 Clearly, Montesquieu argued that foreign governmental systems and laws do not necessarily serve the best interests of other countries, and he would object to their application by American jurists
to interpreting the U.S. Constitution.

Montesquieu's concern is with the imprudence, and worse, the danger of republican government attempting to transform the civil society—including superseding the effects of religion, family, commerce, traditions, customs, mores, etc.—through legal coercion.

 Montesquieu's concern is with the imprudence, and worse, the danger of republican government attempting to transform the civil society—including superseding the effects of religion, family, commerce, traditions, customs, mores, etc.—through legal coercion.

There are some gifted people who have the ability to put into words that which most of us are thinking. 02/20/15

There are some gifted people who have the ability to put into words that which most of us are thinking. Maureen Scott is an ardent American patriot who was born in Pittsburgh, PA and retired to Richmond, VA in 2000. Free from the nine-to-five grind of writing for employers and clients, she began writing political commentary to please herself and express her convictions.

The Architect of Destruction 

Barack Obama appears to be a tormented man filled with resentment, anger and disdain for anyone of an opinion or view other than his. He acts in the most hateful, spiteful, malevolent, vindictive ways in order to manipulate and maintain power   and control over others. Perhaps, because, as a child, he grew up harboring an abiding bitterness toward the U.S. that was instilled in him by his family and mentors…it seems to have never left him.

It is not the color of his skin that is a problem in America . Rather it is the blackness that fills his soul and the hollowness in his heart where there should be abiding pride and love for this country.
Think: Have we ever heard Obama speak lovingly of the U.S. or its people, with   deep appreciation and genuine respect for our history, our customs, our sufferings and our blessings? Has he ever revealed that, like most patriotic Americans, he   gets "goose bumps" when a band plays "The Star Spangled Banner," or sheds a tear when he hears a beautiful rendition of " America the Beautiful?" Does his heart burst with pride when millions of American flags wave on a National holiday or someone plays "taps" on a trumpet? Has he ever shared the admiration of   the military, as we as lovers of those who keep us free, feel when soldiers march-by? It is doubtful because Obama did not grow up sharing our experiences or our values. He did not sit at the knee of a Grandfather or Uncle who showed us his medals and told us about the bravery of his fellow troops as they tramped through foreign lands to keep us free.

He didn't have grandparents who told stories of suffering and then coming to America, penniless, and the opportunities they had for building a business and life for their children.
Away from this country as a young child, Obama didn't delight in being part of America and its greatness. He wasn't singing our patriotic songs in kindergarten, or standing on the roadside for a holiday parade and eating a hot dog or lighting sparklers around a campfire on July 4th as fireworks exploded over head or placing flags on the grave sites of fallen and beloved American heroes.
Rather he was separated from all of these experiences and doesn't really understand us and what it means to be an American. He is void of the basic emotions that most feel regarding this country and insensitive to the instinctive pride we have in our national heritage. His opinions were formed by those who either envied us or wanted him to devalue the United States and the traditions and patriotism that unites us.
He has never given a speech that is filled with calm, reassuring, complimentary, heartfelt statements about all the people in the U.S. Or one that inspires us to be better and grateful and proud that in a short time our country became a leader, and a protector of many.
Quite the contrary, his speeches always degenerate into mocking, ridiculing tirades as he faults our achievements as well as any critics or opposition for the sake of a laugh, or to bolster his ego.
He uses his Office to threaten and create fear while demeaning and degrading any American who opposes his policies and actions. A secure leader, who has noble self-esteem and not false confidence, refrains from showing such dread of critics and displaying a cocky, haughty attitude.
Mostly, his time seems to be spent causing dissension, unrest, and anxiety among the people of America rather than uniting us (even though he was presented to us as the "Great Uniter"). He creates chaos for the sake of keeping people separated, envious, aggrieved and ready to argue. Under his leadership Americans have been kept on edge rather than in a state of comfort and security. He incites people to be aggressive toward and disrespectful of those of differing opinions.
And through such behavior Obama has lowered the standards for self-control and mature restraint to the level of street-fighting gangs when he should be raising the bar for people to strive toward becoming more considerate, tolerant, self-disciplined, self-sustaining and self-assured.
Not a day goes by that he is not attempting to defy our laws, remove our rights, over-ride established procedures, install controversial appointees, enact divisive mandates and assert a dictatorial form of power.
Never has there been a leader of this great land who used such tactics to harm and hurt the people and this country.

Never have we had a President who spoke with a caustic, evil tongue against the citizenry rather than present himself as a soothing, calming and trustworthy force.

Never, in this country, have we experienced how much stress one man can cause a nation of people - on a daily basis!

Obama has promoted the degeneration of peace, civility, and quality of cooperation between us. He thrives on tearing us down rather than building us up. He is the Architect of the decline of America and the epitome of a Demagogue.

© Maureen Scott

Montesquieu- As Charles de Montesquieu observed, "Countries which have been made inhabitable by the industry of men and which need that same industry in order to exist call for moderate government" As Charles de Montesquieu observed, "Countries which have been made inhabitable by the industry of men and which need that same industry in order to exist call for moderate government" 10/11/14

Montesquieu- As Charles de Montesquieu observed, "Countries which have been made inhabitable by the industry of men and which need that same industry in order to exist call for moderate government"

As Charles de Montesquieu observed, "Countries which have been made inhabitable by the industry of
men and which need that same industry in order to exist call for moderate government"

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Out of Control! Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us? By Laurence Kotlikoff


  ~~  From Forbes magazine article posted Dec. 8, 2017
Dear friends,
Image removed by sender. Missing Trillions
Forbes magazine just yesterday became the first major media to blow the lid off of $21 trillion that have gone missing from the US treasury. The entire article is copied below. To give an idea of how much money that is, if you divide the entire US population of around 325 million into $21 trillion, the amount missing is equivalent to $65,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country.
CBS News in 2002 was the first to report on the much smaller amount of $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon, as acknowledged by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in a report on the Dept. of Defense website. Rumsfeld's report was later strangely removed from the website, but is still available on the Internet archive.
No other media picked up on this mind-blowing story. What should have been a top headline-grabbing story of highest concern to all Americans was simply dropped. Since then, a few major media have published isolated articles on missing trillions, as summarized on this revealing webpage, yet again, these stories were not given the top headlines they deserved. They thus attracted little notice and were dropped, so the public remained uniformed of this concerning news.
A courageous former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under George H. W. Bush by the name of Catherine Austin Fitts couldn't believe this vitally important story was being largely ignored by the media. An incredibly sharp economist who once served as managing director of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co, Fitts researched further and has been reporting regularly on the many trillions missing on her highly informative and inspiring website The media has conspicuously avoided her detailed work on this.
Michigan State professor of economics Mark Skidmore discovered the excellent work of Fitts several years ago. He couldn't believe Fitts claim that $6.5 trillion were missing from the US government. Thinking she had mistakenly written trillions instead of billions, he and his graduate students sifted through thousands of US government reports and were astounded to find not only that Fitts was right, but that the amount was even greater that Fitts had thought.
Skidmore eventually worked together with Forbes magazine contributor Prof. Laurence Kotlikoff of Boston University to compose the below article blowing the lid off this huge cover-up of $21 trillion gone missing from government coffers. Note that once certain officials saw Skidmore exposing this, the government removed many of the incriminating documents from their websites. But he wisely had downloaded all of the documents and has reposted this incriminating information on the website of Fitts on this webpage.
You can help to inform the public of this huge cover-up by spreading this news to all of your friends and colleagues. It's time for us to join in demanding full transparency on how our tax dollars are used and to expose the major corruption taking place. See the "What you can do" section below the article for more ways you can make a difference. Thanks for caring. Together, we can build a brighter future for us and our children.
With best wishes for a transformed world,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former White House interpreter and whistleblower
December 9, 2017
Note: Watch Prof. Skidmore discussing this astounding news in this interview.
Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us?
By Laurence Kotlikoff
Forbes magazine, Dec 8, 2017
I am co-authoring this column with Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at Michigan State University.
“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, The US Constitution
On July 26, 2016, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issued a report “Army General Fund Adjustments Not Adequately Documented or Supported”. The report indicates that for fiscal year 2015 the Army failed to provide adequate support for $6.5 trillion in journal voucher adjustments.
According to the GAO's Comptroller General, "Journal vouchers are summary-level accounting adjustments made when balances between systems cannot be reconciled. Often these journal vouchers are unsupported, meaning they lack supporting documentation to justify the adjustment or are not tied to specific accounting transactions…. For an auditor, journal vouchers are a red flag for transactions not being captured, reported, or summarized correctly."
(Note, after Mark Skidmore began inquiring about OIG-reported unsubstantiated adjustments, the OIG's webpage, which documented, albeit in a highly incomplete manner, these unsupported "accounting adjustments," was mysteriously taken down. Fortunately, Mark copied the July 2016 report and all other relevant OIG-reports in advance and reposted them here. Mark has repeatedly tried to contact Lorin Venable, Assistant Inspector General at the Office of the Inspector General. He has emailed, phoned, and used LinkedIn to ask Ms. Venable about OIG's disclosure of unsubstantiated adjustments, but she has not responded.)
Given that the entire Army budget in fiscal year 2015 was $120 billion, unsupported adjustments were 54 times the level of spending authorized by Congress. The July 2016 report indicates that unsupported adjustments are the result of the Defense Department's "failure to correct system deficiencies." The result, according to the report, is that data used to prepare the year-end financial statements were unreliable and lacked an adequate audit trail.
The report indicates that just 170 transactions accounted for $2.1 trillion in year-end unsupported adjustments. No information is given about these 170 transactions. In addition many thousands of transactions with unsubstantiated adjustments were, according to the report, removed by the Army. There is no explanation concerning why they were removed nor their magnitude.
The July 2016 report states, "In addition, DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) Indianapolis personnel did not document or support why DDRS (The Defense Department Reporting System) removed at least 16,513 of 1.3 million feeder file records during the Third Quarter."
An appendix to the July 2016 report shows $2 trillion in changes to the Army General Fund balance sheet due to unsupported adjustments. On the asset side, there is $794 billion increase in the Army's Fund Balance with the U.S. Treasury. There is also an increase of $929 billion in the Army's Accounts Payable.
This information raises additional major questions. First, what is the source of the additional $794 billion in the Army's Fund Balance? This adjustment represents more than six times appropriated spending. Second, do these transfers represent a flow of funds to the Army beyond those authorized by Congress? Third, were these funds authorized and if so when and by whom? Fourth, what is the source of these funds? Finally, the $929 billion in Accounts Payable appears to represent an amount owed for items or services purchased on credit. What entities have received or will receive payment?
Note: The above article is copied from the Forbes magazine website on this webpage. Watch Prof. Skidmore discussing this astounding news in this interview.
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What you can do:
·         Contact your media and political representatives to inform them of this vital information on missing trillions from the US treasury. Urge them to study and bring publicity to this important topic. Invite them to read this article and explore the links included.
·         Explore our excellent Banking Corruption Information Center filled with reliable resources and links to key videos, essays, news articles, and much more revealing major government corruption.
·         Learn more about major money manipulations and what we can do about it in this powerful lesson from the free Insight Course.
·         Explore inspiring ideas on how we can work together to create a new paradigm.
·         Spread this news on missing trillions from the US treasury to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key social networking websites using the "Share" icon below, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.
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Sunday, August 27, 2017

It isn't about the statues: The perfect slaves are those who can be persuaded to serve the state against their own best interest.

It isn't about the statues:

The perfect slaves are those who can be persuaded to serve the state against their own best interest.
Long ago the social alchemists developed the art of propaganda. They discovered that persuasion as a system of enslavement is far superior to the rack and the thumbscrew.
Public education as a dumbing down process is the ongoing basis of George Orwell's Animal Farm. A programmed population will endure bureaucratic punishment and insult with the full cooperation of the victimized people.
For 100 years or more, the public education system has taught a false history — when it has taught history at all — of America, its founding, its system and its relationship to other autocratic, authoritarian systems.
It has operated in a symbiotic relationship with the controlled media to create a very carefully and deliberately prescribed thought system which subverts the population to think and act in perfect harmony with the system.
Once the masses are manipulated into conformity and they arrive at the animal farm in full mental submission, they themselves enforce conformity. The inmates are in charge of the jail... the perfect crime.
Another way to put it is that the inmates love their captivity and they love "big brother." They and "big brother" (the government) are of ONE MIND! There is no dissent. All are ONE! This is the ultimate goal of the New World Order.
The spirit of subterfuge has become good and good has become evil.
Over time this dumbing down system has created generations of people without knowledge and the ability to follow logic and reason. Evidence of this phenomenon can be seen in the widespread dogpiling on the removal of all vestiges of Southern culture and heritage and the images of the Confederacy and the Old South which began a couple of years ago and is now reaching fever pitch.
The narrative driving these latest attacks stems from a months-long propaganda war on President Donald Trump, his supporters and white conservatives. The media have determined that Trump is a racist and that all Trump voters and white conservatives are likewise racists if they don't advocate for his immediate removal from office.
Simultaneously, anti-American organizations and globalists are fueling and funding “Arab Spring” type protests and attacks on monuments to and statues of people who we have been taught supported racist policies and slavery. Meanwhile the propaganda media and prominent politicians promote and legitimize these violent groups and their actions
Violent left-wing Marxist social justice warriors — disaffected, deluded by their lot in life, suffering from a hive mind collectivist mentality — are fomenting chaos and disorder, starting fights and destroying property over historical statues and monuments. Devoid of reason and morality, they are embracing a system — Communism — that has murdered hundreds of millions people in order to erase vestiges of a culture that fought for liberty and self-determination.
People literally do not think their own thoughts. This allows cover for the ruling class and their nefarious activities.
The violent and the non-violent assaults on monuments and statues are a prelude to something bigger... something darker. This is seen in the move from simply removing Confederate symbols to monuments to the Founders and even Christopher Columbus. This is an all-out assault on the American system and the Constitution. Sadly, Antifa's ground troops — most of them anyway — are likely oblivious. They are Stalin's "useful idiots" who carry out bidding of the elites.
Attempts to whitewash Southern culture from existence and distort the true nature of the Confederate cause, fueled by Northern progressive elites (in and out of both major political parties) white apologists and race hucksters and agitators, have been ongoing since Appomattox. In fact, assaults on Southern culture began long before Fort Sumter and was a major precipitator of the Southern secession.
This is no coincidence. It is part of the long-term war on liberty, independent thought and rural America and the attempted destruction of the predominantly white, productive American middle class.
In the United States, the dismantling of the middle class has become the appointed, full-time task of the largest government alphabet soup agencies and official U.S. policy. The middle class is the globalist’s chief nemesis. For as they are the world’s greatest producers, Americans also demand equitable reward for their labor and product, placing them in competition for resources and goods with the global elite. The greatest blows to the middle class were the income tax and free trade agreements like NAFTA and GATT, because socialist economic warfare is the most reliable way to transfer the wealth of middle class Americans to the elite without awakening their complaint.
Indeed, because of the altruistic propaganda attached to socialism, Americans often believe that their wealth (and thus their own destruction) is necessary to "save the world."
The Confederacy, monuments to the men who fought for it and the Confederate battle flag are symbols of rebellion against an overreaching, socialistic, highly centralized and authoritarian government; so it's no wonder the elite power brokers want it erased from memory. While it was waved by racists during the Civil Rights movement, so was the American flag in at least equal numbers. In fact, the American flag flew over a "racist America" far longer than the Confederacy stood as a nation. These facts demonstrate the abject hypocrisy and vapid thought processes of the elites, the race hucksters and their MSM propaganda machine.
But as it was truly a symbol of standing against tyranny, the Confederate battle flag was also waved by protesters demonstrating against Soviet oppression in the 1980s and is seen as a symbol against oppressive government today.
Contrary to what is taught in school and what the propagandists continue to convey ad nauseam, the secession of the Southern states was neither an act of rebellion, nor an act of hostility against the Union. It was a separation from a voluntary contract that joined states in a common bond. But that bond was developing — in the minds of many — into an increasingly repressive institution.
The ramped-up efforts to destroy the last vestiges of the independent spirit and middle-class culture are part of the ongoing struggle of the globalists, collectivists and cultural Marxists to maintain their grip on power until One World Governance is cemented.

It can't be done until the American system, including the Constitution, are destroyed.

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

Friday, May 5, 2017

Rocky Marciano, the "Greatest Boxer of All Time" didn't die last year...he died 47 years ago.

Rocky Marciano
    When's the last time you heard the name Marciano mentioned on any sports show?  If you grew up in the 40’s and 50’s, you listened to most of his fights on radio since they weren't carried on the limited TV of the time and Pay Per View didn’t exist.  His fights with Ezzard Charles, a black, were epics.  Rocky didn't know about "Rope a Dope."  His secret trick was to just put his opponent to sleep in the middle of the ring . . .. 49 wins and no losses.

    Since he was white and boxing has been taken over by blacks, he will never be given his due in this PC socially engineered society of the last 60 years or so. Since the Liberal/Progressives control our culture, society, media and sports, Marciano and his record will be buried forever in sports history. He is the only undefeated (49 -0) Heavyweight Champion in the history of boxing. He was also drafted and served in the army.

    Just so you know…A lot of people have this title confused.  The "Greatest Boxer of All Time" didn't die last year...he died 47 years ago.  How did Muhammid Ali get to be considered "The Greatest?"   Ali had 5 losses in 61 fights, FIVE!   Rocky didn't have 5 losses, he had 0. . .. None! !  He didn't have 37 Knock Outs, he had 43 (88%).  He didn't dodge the draft.  He wasn't a race baiter and sure as hell didn't convert to Islam. He was a local kid named Rocky Marciano, aka The Brockton Blockbuster.

    Don't let the mainstream media idolize false prophets. When Rocky was once asked on TV if he could've knocked out Ali in his prime, his response was oh so classic!!  "I'd be conceited if I said I could've, but I'd be a liar if I said I couldn't".
Real Name: Rocco Francis Marchegiano