Our true choice is not between tax reduction, on the one hand, and
the avoidance of large Federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly
clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national
security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates
will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it
will never produce enough jobs or enough profits. Surely the lesson of
the last decade is that budget deficits are not caused by wild-eyed
spenders but by slow economic growth and periodic recessions, and any
new recession would break all deficit records.
In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today
and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues
in the long run is to cut the rates now. The experience of a number of
European countries and Japan have borne this out. This country’s own
experience with tax reduction in 1954 has borne this out. And the reason
is that only full employment can balance the budget, and tax reduction
can pave the way to that employment. The purpose of cutting taxes now is
not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous,
expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus.
I repeat: our practical choice is not between a tax-cut deficit and a
budgetary surplus. It is between two kinds of deficits: a chronic
deficit of inertia, as the unwanted result of inadequate revenues and a
restricted economy; or a temporary deficit of transition, resulting from
a tax cut designed to boost the economy, increase tax revenues, and
achieve – and I believe this can be done – a budget surplus. The first
type of deficit is a sign of waste and weakness; the second reflects an
investment in the future.
This Nation can afford to reduce taxes, we can afford a temporary
deficit, but we cannot afford to do nothing. For on the strength of our
free economy rests the hope of all free nations. We shall not fail that
hope, for free men and free nations must prosper and they must prevail.
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