Sunday, December 8, 2019

As my elected official, it is your duty to vote on all taxes, including the TCI gas tax.


Governor Charlie Baker Jr. (via webform)
12/8/2019 1:29 PM
I Request Legislative Approval for TCI

Dear Governor Baker,

As my elected official, it is your duty to vote on taxes. The Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI) proposal is a backdoor attempt to raise the gas tax that consumers will have to pay for at the pump. I urge you to demand that Governor Charlie Baker seek a legislative vote on the merits of TCI before Massachusetts moves forward in the process. I also have concerns with raising the gas tax and urge you to vote against it.

 As the meticulous, methodical and vastly underrated President Calvin Coolidge, who had an average unemployment rate of 3.2% during his term of office so pithily noted: 

"High taxes reach everywhere and burden everybody. They gear most heavily upon the poor. They diminish industry and commerce. They make agriculture unprofitable. They increase the rates on transportation. They are a charge on every necessary of life." 

"It is impossible to escape the conclusion that high taxes make high prices. So long as the cost of government is high the cost of living will be high. This is usually a source of misunderstanding and always a source of discontent. The duty that government now owes to the people is to reduce their burdens..." 

The TCI gas tax will mean less money in the taxpayer's pocket and an even higher cost of living where we are already near the highest in the nation.


J Bruce Gabriel

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